Love, Death and Kogepan
2002-03-04, 7:36 p.m.

So some folks tell you what they're listening to when they are writing their diary entries. I think rather than doing that I'll start relaying some snippet of conversation I heard during the day. Here goes:

Today I overheard a guy tell someone on the other end of his cell phone: "I love everything about you." Has anyone ever said that to you?

I managed to skip Friday in yesterday's diary entry of what happened this weekend. I went out to my grandmother's house (now my aunt's house, I guess) to go through some things and to visit grammy's gravesite. She is buried next to my grampy out in Riverside National Cemetary. My mom also came out, but she had planned to spend the night so we drove separately. I feel like I need to go out to her gravesite again alone -- somehow the energy between the three of us just didn't blend well out there. I didn't feel the closure my aunt said I might feel having seen the gravesite.

Something that will also take some getting used to is that my aunt gave me a painting that is now hanging in our apartment (previously mentioned in this entry ). D. hung it up for me, and the first time I looked at it, it was nice to see it but my first thought was, "what is it doing here, on my wall?". Yes, I take my grieving slowly.

Onto lighter topics, since I was invited and have joined the san-x diary ring I thought it only appropriate to show some credentials:

Kogepan, the saddest bread of all. Actually, I think that Usagipon is really my favorite, cuz noone can resist the power of pink bunnies.

But now it's time for me to host and star in my favorite program "Yoga for women's health". See y'all samadhi!

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