overwashed and somewhat slightly dazed
2002-04-04, 11:21 p.m.

Hi! It's me again. Still overtired and having spent another two nights out in L.A. Last night was Hrvatski, Greg Davis and Lexaunculpt and tonight was mom's bday present to me: the Vagina Monologues (with Judy Tenuta!). I also had another gift certificate massage this afternoon, and a g.c. facial.

I am feeling somewhat hedonistic, tired (did I mention tired?) and a little sad at the sad parts of the Vagina Monologues.

I'd like to get some shut-eye now, and when I'm not as freaking cantankerous as yesterday's entry I can share a little bit more of the past week's shenanigans. I need to snuggle under the covers, pet my kitties and attempt to revive myself in time for a 8:30am meeting...

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