Psycho Acoustics
2002-08-19, 11:24 p.m.

I don't know why exactly, but the last week was difficult. I won't go into detail -- unfortunately this has been and will continue to be a mostly superficial accounting of the catbus life. For several reasons it has become more and more difficult to write and to resist writing here.

I have to say it was (for lack of a better word and a more extensive vocabulary) surreal to meet insilico in person. It happened unexpectedly, quickly, and involved singing a cover version of Bohemian Rhapsody quite loudly, eating doughnuts and getting the finger from punk rock kids. I don't think I said a proper goodbye, either.

But, as I started to say, it has been a difficult week. A strange week. I wasn't quite myself all weekend.

But the good news is that I started my class, finally -- and am officially learning about the physics of sound. I am up a bit late this evening with a spot of homework, of all things. We were to dissect a song of our choice -- originally I thought about tackling one of the Iceland queen's tracks, but instead slacked out and chose a Monks' track instead. Lazy? Oh yes.

But speaking of great music, Sunday I was wandering thru a Melrose shop and was treated to Iron Maiden's "Children of the Damned". For a moment I was transported back to my Bruce-lovin' days...and you bet I was singing along. Or should I say, screamin' along?

I know I rarely get a response to my questions, but does anyone remember that 80s TV show "Puttin' on the Hits"? For whatever reason I was reminded of it this morning --it was a lipsynch competition -- I can't remember the blond curleyheaded hotness's name that hosted it, but I loved that show. Oh Dick Clark, is there nothing you won't do?

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