bloody dream
2002-09-02, 10:46 a.m.

In the dream I am with an old friend from high school. Somehow he cuts himself, so I look for a bandage -- but in the moments it took to look and come back to him he is now covered in blood. Blood everywhere. Where is it coming from? I call 911. I tell them to send an ambulance right away, give them the address. While I'm on the call he somehow manages to get the bleeding stopped, cleans up and starts to walk away. I'm shocked by the recovery, and relieved, but then realize the ambulance is on its way. I try to get him to stop, to stay until the ambulance comes so that I won't be fined for 911 fraud. He shrugs, laughs and continues on his way. The dream changes, or I wake up, before the ambulance arrives.

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