"Like the cleaning of a house...It Never Ends."
2002-09-19, 9:39 p.m.

Do you remember where you were the first time you saw Twin Peaks? *Oh my goodness*, I do. The experience was not unlike what I imagine the first moon landing was like for folks in 1969. (OK, maybe that's exaggerating, but por moi it *was* quite monumental and totally memorable.) I actually didn't get to see the pilot on the evening it was first broadcast (I had class)-- but my friend Mike had taped it and brought it up to my dorm to watch in the TV lounge. We were like little kids, giggling excitedly and still suffering from some amount of shock/disbelief that someone had let David Lynch on network TV. We sat in rapt attention, laughed our asses off and tried our best to wave away the few souls who dared enter our Lynchian fortress to ask what we were watching.

Twin Peaks was and still is one of the best things that ever happened to television. Sure, there were some less than enthralling episodes after Lynch left, but it was still, overall, a highly entertaining series/soap opera. In more recent years I scooped up the Diary of Laura Palmer and the Twin Peaks trading cards on Ebay -- the former I read immediately, the latter I have left inside of its factory-sealed shrinkwrap.

A recent viewing of the first 5 TP episodes made me a bit nostalgic -- not just for the show but for the overall excitement for each new installment. Other than the Simpsons, I haven't found anything in recent years that holds a similar kind of anticipatory excitement for me. Is there anything worth watching anymore?

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