four part disharmony
2003-02-26, 6:06 a.m.

OK, so I've been pretty much avoiding yoga for weeks now. Of course, as soon as I start doing it again I remember why I need it -- especially considering my mood of the past few daze. Last night after class I plopped myself down on the mat, read a few pages of Desikachar's "Heart of Yoga" for the reminders about how to approach/construct a personal practice, and then proceeded very slowly to try to soften up my stiff muscles. I'm already feeling better, physically and otherwise.

I am anticipating that Friday's cheer performance is going to be a bit crazy, between our new mascot going ape-poo and with my brother and moms in the audience. My brother and I connect a lot over music, but one of the things I enjoy most about hanging out with him is our mutual appreciation (passion?) for absurd, over-the-top and slightly disturbing comedy -- a category I think our humble little cheer squad easily prat-falls into -- so his presence Friday will be either a catalyst or inhibitor of my cheerificness (although I think it will be mostly the former).

Last night during class I realized that my textbook was missing pages 75-90 -- actually, what apparently happened is that pages 91-106 were printed twice. Sensei let me out early to run to the bookstore and register my complaint. Of course, they wouldn't give me a new book unless I gave them the old one, but I had all my scribblings and notes in the margins so I settled for photocopied pages instead. Sooo tacky, awright?

It is raining raining raining again, and we so so so need it around here. The plants are so much happier with rainwater...

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