Rat catching
2003-03-17, 10:09 p.m.

Yeah, you could slight me for updating so irregularly, but I'll have you know that this diary is the #1 search result at Yahoo for 'poopy Korean character'.

It has been months since I went to a movie theatre (last time was the trek out to see the subbed version of "Spirited Away" in El Lay) -- and for some reason I broke the theatre fast with none other than Crispin Hellion Glover's "Willard". The flick was much as you would expect, for a PG-13er. The one thing that did annoy me, however, was the degree to which they moviefied the rats -- the amount of sounds rats make in particular. As a previous owner of many a rat, I can assure you that they are generally pretty quiet, unlike the squeakfest that was going on in 'Willard'.

Seeing the Hellion back on the silver screen was nice, tho -- and hearing his rendition of "Ben" made me nostalgic for Big Problem Does Not Equal the Solution. The Solution=Let it Be . Ah, the magic of "Clowny Clown Clown"...

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