tired ghoul
2003-10-06, 8:01 p.m.

Started second job last week. Survived, but definitely more tiredy lately.

Songs are starting to take shape with our still-unnamed project -- which is a good thing, considering that one of the bandmates has booked us a gig for Oct. 24th. Hmmm, hopefully we'll be ready by then.

As predicted/anticipated, the Hindustani concert *was* god-like. The sound system was not so good, which sucked, but the tabla and vocals were so good, so divine. Best natural high ever.

I'm feeling more Halloweeny this year, not sure why. I haven't really thought of what to dress up as or where to go, but just in general feel like decking my halls with boughs of bats and ghosts and cats. Pumpkin carving. I think most of the excitement is just about the weather changing, about not sweltering. About hot cider and snuggly blankees. About creating a cozy hearth as the dark and cold and ghouly stuff creeps back in.

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