Frozen lightning for breakfast
2004-02-24, 7:56 a.m.

Aw, hell. I knew this would happen but had been valiantly battling against it. Everyone around me was/is sick and I said that I wouldn't get it, especially not before our conference this weekend. This morning I woke up with that subtly scratchy feeling in my throat and that semi-wet sandbag feeling in my body. I loaded up on vitamins, Emergen-C, a healthy breakfast and some yoga. I still feel kinna crappy but have too much work to do to just "be sick" as Bill Nye would encourage me to do.

I'm happy to report that I've been back on the yoga train since the beginning of the year and am finally feeling stronger and less prone to wack-out back-out problems. And the upper body/plank thing certainly helps with drumming.

Anybody want to buy me a Lichtenberg figure for my birthday? I could also use some new hi-hat cymbals...

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