pulling things out of your hat, or your a**
2004-04-07, 6:14 p.m.

One step closer to Camber Sands , fingers crossed...

Friday the band plays at a music fest on campus. Catch us at 2pm, best time of the day (?)! Perhaps it is better than later that night when young things will be drunk and uninhibited.

Contemplating whether or not to set up my kit for a brief practice tonight, when I'll just have to break it back down for tomorrow night's band practice and then again for Friday's gig. It feels lazy to opt out, but then I just figger I'll practice more on Saturday.

Ohhhh, if I could put time in a bottle, I'd get me at least a jug o' Gallo's worth. Oo, oo, ooh, so many thangs to do! Wishing for a magic hat that would put together my budget proposal so I could spend the afternoon laying under a tree.

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