stupid sinuses
2004-04-08, 11:27 p.m.

Woke up this morning feeling like someone had shoved two red hot pokers up my sinuses. Gotta love allergy season! I was late to work while I took time to navigate the feel-too-nauseated-to-eat-but-must-eat-something-so-I-can-take-something-to-make-the-pain-and-the-nausea-go-away. They had me checking inventory in the metal section, which normally woulda been pretty entertaining, what with all those melodramatic band names and gory cover art -- but I just wanted to hurl.

After slogging thru more silly inventory JS took me out for a belated birthday lunch -- somehow I managed to settle my stomach and feel bettah.

Practice went well tonight, somehow I felt like I hadn't played in ages but somehow it sounded better. My ears were ringing after practice, it had gotten so loud in T's little bedroom. I think we're pretty ready for our upcoming shows, but daaaaaaaaaamn I'm ready to put together some new material.

Must sleep now...

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