Graduation day
2004-05-16, 7:19 p.m.

In the last 24 hours I've heard some really powerful words from Bernardine Dohrn and Dave Emory. No less than 4 hours on human existence and the upcoming elections by Dave, and a relatively brief but succinct and cautionary tale of hope to graduating students by Bernardine. I am going through the annual release/grief, celebrating and mourning the graduation of little chicks I once knew who are now flexing their wings and flying off to new lives. Sad but happy am I.

So am I now off to see friends and loved ones make music, to worship at the altar of notes, melody and dissonance before I come back home to snuggle with fuzzy stinky breath lady and plan my grand scheme to get a respectable price on a Gretsch Maple Renown 16" floor tom. Tomorrow I will resume working *one* job, with renewed vigor and inspiration to bring something resembling truth to the airwaves...

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