crankily mr. shankly
2004-06-30, 2:06 p.m.

I know better than to delay my lunch break, but my office had become such a shitstorm I could barely move around, so many boxes of fiscal-year-end orders recently arrived. As I waded through the chaos I became very hungry and mighty cranky -- on the walk home I soothed the crankiness with by reminding myself that I have the luxury of taking my lunch break pretty much whenever, and that I live within walking distance of work so I can get my eat on at home if I so desire. There's a lady that eats her lunch in the park along my route -- so devoted to her soaps that she brings one of those portable TVs to the park.

I wish I could say that I was flying to NYC this weekend to see PTV3 (and visit Habbit in his new digs), but recent discussions of tour/merch expenses made the idea unpossible. We're finally making some headway with the recording, and some of this weekend will be devoted to getting together a few tracks to burn and take on the road.

I'm going thru one of my food funks again, where I'm relying too heavily on vitamins to take care of poor eating habits. The good news is that I've been on a beer (belly) boycott for a coupla weeks now and I've been feeling better. I guess this makes me practically straightedge, unless you count Soy Cream binges.

Gonna have a lil' veggie cookout tonight with some buddies, taking advantage once again of JC's vacationing parents and their pool/spa/gas grill. Fiesta!

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