2002-07-15, 10:04 p.m.

Ahhhhsshiiiiiiit. The ding dang dong server ate my homework, my brilliant unrecreatable entry. Oh well.

I was busy bemoaning the fact that although I have pals in at least 3 great cities (NY, SF and Seat-tul) I have not gone a visitin�. Another poorly planned summer, a series of smiddlings of pieces of snatches of longish weekend trips to tiddlebits of sceneries. Heck, I have friends in far-off places like Turkey and Japan. Whatinthehell am I doing sitting here in bumphuck hothole? The answer: I am being [insert nasally whine here] fiscally responsible. Blaaaagh.

But speaking of world travels, there is trouble in the Netherlands. Never fear, I am doing the prudent thang and drinking plenty of fluids and at first light I fully intend to traverse the labyrinthian coils of copper that connect me to the hallowed halls of medicine. Kaiser, ho!

Where was I? Oh right, my first kiss. Mom says I was 3 and we were camping. I was apparently carried away by my (parentally sanctioned) nudity and planted my smackers on the nearest boy my heighth. But my �real� first kiss certainly suffered from besamus nervosa � two geeks intwined in an awkward embrace borne from a friendship turned tragically romantic. Ay carumba!

But never you mind my dithering to and fro � I�ve simply turned up the stupid on my brain modulator to such a volume as to make escape from the daily events of this Big Blue Marble (remember the kids� show of the same name?) possible.

The alternate title to today�s entry is �The Pokey Friends�, in honor of anime knock-off characters everywhere (I�m lookin� at you, Hong Kong!).

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