there's no such thing as a free jazz
2002-12-19, 5:22 p.m.

Ok, so any minute now the Heating Faeries are going to knock on my door to finally fix my icebox of an apartment. I know that SoCal folks shouldn't complain this time of year about the weather, but it has been frickin' freezing! I should not have to wear a ski cap to bed unless I want to.

Operating on too little sleep again. Last night I went out to the Smell and in addition to breathing in my recommended monthly allowance of second hand smoke I took in the sounds of Create (!) and Johnston/Heenan/Dukowski/Anderson. An improvin' good time was had by all, except for the drunk guy whose vocabulary apparently only consisted of "why?" (in reference to the repeated explanation that it costs 5 bucks to get in) and "I'm just gonna look". He eventually had to be physically removed from the entrance, apparently unable to understand that he had to *pay* to hear free jazz. The music was good -- I especially like Chris Heenan, and he was blowin' his brains out last night.

After the show we went to SF and JW's pad and watched Sun Ra's "Space is the Place" , which is probably one of the best flicks EVER.

Lastly, I was recognized yet again last night as a cheerleader -- except in this case the person who recognized me had seen our inaugural performance earlier this summer and was all like, "well, we all have to make a spectacle of ourselves at least once," (in reference to our cheerleading) and I was all like "but we're still doing it! People keep asking us to do it at their shows. We will be cheering again at this very club in a couple of months." Sheesh, some people.

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