s-m-r-t, I mean, s-m-a-r-t...
2003-04-11, 5:57 p.m.

Gene Hoglan, my hero

Yes, once I get off the Japanese bus this summer I will get back on the drumming bus. Last night Sensei comes up to me and says "we were talking about you". She has a habit of saying really embarassingly honest things to people, about their homework, their quiz scores, their age, their appearance (e.g., she told a classmate that his skin was "mottled"). So my response was a hesitant "Good things I hope!". She looks at my slyly and says, "Of course! Smartest person in class..." OK, now, I've been getting good scores on quizzes but I know others are as well, so I'm wondering what her game is...and then later on in class I feel all this pressure, like I need to be perfect all the time now or something. Inevitably as we are going around the room being randomly quizzed about one of the book exercises, I flub on selecting the correct particle for the sentence. My reign as smartest person in class lasted a whole hour...

Deerhoof is playing on campus tonight, hooray! I can walk to the show, and I can buy their latest album directly from them, hooray! I can try out the new digital camera from work, hooray! It's Friday, hooray! I have to work this weekend, uh, boo...

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