2003-05-15, 8:30 p.m.

So the nice lady from the Taiko drum place up north called me back to say that Taiko drum camp only happens every two years, so it won't be happening again until '04. Wah.

Went to see the boys again last night, and despite the PA crapping out -- they rocked. This great teen girl punk band opened the show -- lotsa fun, lotsa great energy. I ended up leaving after MS's set, as it was getting quite late and the dread of waking up groggy yet again was stronger than the desire to see the rest of the bands.

One of my students sold me her Japan guidebooks (she went for Spring Break)and a phrase book for 20 bucks, so now I have a stack of travel info almost as large as my desire to go. It's looking like the best time to go all around is going to be late October or early November. Yay!!!

Looking ahead to the weekend: A's fete on Saturday -- excited for romping in the park, renting paddle boats and eating loads of deliciousness. Later that night is GJ's drumnite as well as another friend's band playing at the new local nightclub. Hmmmm, what to do? Commencement is on Sunday, and as usual I won't be able to see all my kids gradjiate because they're from different schools. Aaaggh. Every year I get to go through this joyful/painful ritual of watching them leave the nest. Sniff.

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