Right hand takes a vacation too
2004-07-27, 9:42 a.m.

As a youth I spent a goodly amount of time and effort on attempting to physically balance the right and left sides of my body. I would go through phases of writing with my left, putting all of my jewelry on my left (?), conducting every day activities with my left hand. I think I even chose to put my only tattoo on my left side for this same reason.

Recently I effed up my right wrist -- via a combination of overzealous weight-bearing yoga postures, drumming rudiments and undoubtedly ye olde point and click. With our mini-tour a few days away I have been treating my right wrist with care, avoiding any strenuous activity with that hand/arm and sometimes wearing a brace. I think it's helping, although it's still decidedly crunchier than the left wrist. Despite my concerns for tour and banging away for three consecutive nights, I have some sense of revisiting youthful days by transferring default duties to my left hand.

Last night I dreamt that I was swimming in a mult-tiered water fountain (highest levels were very deep, like a swimming pool, lower levels were progressively more shallow as you got closer to the ground). In some other part of the dream I was also camping out on a floating dock on some body of water. It's travel-time in dreamland and wakey-land indeed.

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