I'm snot happy
2002-03-14, 10:21 p.m.

A rare two-entry day.

I'm wondering how I can harness the power of the snot factory I have become over the past 24 hours. Other than making breathing difficult and giving my nose a nice rosy ring to it, its utilitarian value eludes me.

Everyone is or has been sick recently. Ev-er-y-one. D. is also feeling poopy, which is rare. Usually its one or the other of us, which works out well because then the other gets to be the nurse. Now all we have to turn to is two fuzzy, cute but utterly unhelpful fluffmuffins.

Tonight was going to be the dreaded trek to the washateria, my mountain of dirty unmentionables threatening to take over the closet -- but the poopiness feeling won us over. We crashed in the living room with some insta-dinner and Dersu Uzala.

Line from Dersu Uzala that stands out now: "Why would a man want to live in a box?" Indeed.

But before I start wading into some pop interpretation of Kurosawa and get myself in trouble, I think I'll mention the other quite lovely infection I got today:

This lady totally made my day warm and fuzzily. Not too long after I drug my butt into the office I received a nice visit and an oily (early) birthday present from the lady who tries her best (she shoots, she scores...). Stella Marrs kitty postcards, a truly poifect gift pour moi. (author's note: although long resisted, the affection for kitties is now unabashedly admitted, even if I do end up like the lady on the Simpsons who threw cats at Lisa. Of course, I would never throw them, but it's the kind of crazy old cat lady image I'm looking for) I am hoping to incorporate the postcards into my diary template somehow, someday.

So despite the tissue permanently attached to my nose today, e.'s happy mood and generosity rubbed off on me and made me feel better. I wasn't up to sneezing through yoga at lunch so I instead grabbed a quick feel-awful sandwich and made a trip to SportMart for some more yoga leggins. As I drove around the sky, the trees, the everything and the sun on them blasting at an angle through fluffy white clouds made me a bit giddy.

Now, an attempt at better sleep is in order...

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