Summertime...and the livin' is queasy...
2002-05-30, 8:20 a.m.

"Late for work again today/somebody's lying down on the job again/will you people please stop jumping under my train?/Ladies and gentlemen, there will be a slight delay, while we hose the blood away"

Nah, I'm not late for work -- I'm taking some vacation time off before I lose it, as I have lost so many hours before -- but as I started this entry the sneering drawl of Tod A. and the factory hiss and drone of CopShootCop sprang to mind. My brain is pretty much constantly beseiged by song lyrics, or Simpsons dialogue. Somewhere in between I manage to lead a life, and breathe and walk and stuff.

But, ladies and gents (do I have any male readers?), it is summer and I have yet to firm up any sort of vacation plans and don't exactly feel like I've caught up with the semester that just ended. I will also be off work tomorrow and will attempt to get my poopules aligned properly in a groupule.

I am taking the lovely Miss A. out for lunch today, for it will be her day of birth on Saturday. She is being crotchedy about celebrating the fact that she was born, but despite her grinchiness she will be feted just the same.

Not to get on a complaining bender again, but yesterday afternoon's persistent headache (which did not contribute much to my radio show) blossomed into lightheadedness and nausea. Steve's yoga class was supposed to start back up again last night, but due to low enrollment the class has been cancelled 'til July 24. Sheeit! Not that I was in any condition for pretzelizing myself last night, but I am now down to one class per week.

The good news (why do I always feel like I need to end on an up note? -- it's almost like the newscaster changing tones from the horrible bomb story to the chipper voiceover while they show a picture of baby animals, just in time for the commercial break) is that my car is supposed to be back from the body shop today (fingers crossed). Somebody bashed it in the day of my grammy's funeral, and I procrastinated on paying the $500 deductible until the rust started to grow/show. With any luck I'll be able to turn in the ashtray on wheels they gave me at the rental agency and pick up my slightly vanilla scented wheels. 'Til next time, America...

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