Score: Forces of good,1 Negative prophecies, 0
2002-06-05, 12:11 a.m.

I found this today:

"In traditional Chinese medicine, "The Kidneys open into the ear" ... There is a close relationship between the Kidneys and the ears. As Nei Jing says

"The Kidney Qi goes through the ear; if the Kidney is harmonised, the ear can hear the five tones" Many hearing problems are treated through the Kidneys. The poor hearing common in the elderly, for example, is a consequence of weakened Kidney Jing."

This was stumbled upon during my quest for information on the physics (and psychophysics) of music/sound. Certainly an imbalance or dis-ease in the body has a system-wide effect, but never did I think about my kidney stone situation, and the potential for kidney damage, also having the potential to cause hearing problems.

To be sure, I delight in the tactile and the visual magic of life, but I am dominantly auditory. That is not to say that I am an audiophile, ever seeking the high fidelity experience -- au contraire, I enjoy basking in all manner of sound, from the "noise" of every day life to the "beauty" of orchestral arrangements, and all the experimental, primitive, heady, cute, racous, minimalistic, sophisticated and exploratory genres and subgenres of sound and music in between. I am likely to be entranced by sound. SO, this concept of kidney jing gives me pause -- although I can't say I am a subscriber to Chinese medicine per se, I am generally open-minded about these things.

But today was a day where I awoke from what can nicely be described as an unpleasant dream, convinced myself that the dream was prophetic to the impending negative course of the day's events, only to arrive at the end of the day proven quite pleasantly wrong. My car is finally fixed. I had an amazing, centered moment at the end of yoga class. I fixed a lot of annoying detaily problems at work. I actually made some progress practicing guitar this evening. I had an enjoyable evening meeting about the upcoming concert series that we're (the radio station and the local reckid stoh) putting on in town this summer -- most of the dates are booked and it looks like we have a good lineup. I also managed to squeak some reading and writing and yummy food in the nooks and crannies of the day, and just now I discovered that I have been listed as a favorite diary by folks other than those who know me in the flesh. Go figure.

But I must away to bed now, last night's 6 hours were apparently not enuff...*yawnnnn*

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