out of my mind on corn and sweet
2002-07-11, 12:41 p.m.

Things I am excited about:

-Seeing Lesser/Sagan/AOP tomorrow night in San Diego.

-Watching "The Cheerleaders" with eyes.

-Meeting up with the Quiet American at work on Saturday.

-An all-expense paid trip to Europe and Japan. (What would we do without fantasies?)

-Eating stale almond cookies and corn chips for lunch. (this list is rapidly deteriorating).

Here's someone else who's also very excited:


Here's a hairstyle tip:

Don't let your hairdresser cut a layer of short bangs underneath your longer bangs and along with your razory asymmetrical bob-ish kind of hairstyle. When displaced properly, your bangs will have the unfortunate effect of making you look like you are a mullethead.

Here's a travel tip:

Don't travel alone late at night in Kathmandu. You will either be chased by wild dogs or have to talk your way out of being assaulted by the autorickshaw driver.

Lastly, I would like to thank all of the unfortunate ones and zeroes that made this entry possible. I apologize.

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