so take off all your clothes
2003-09-22, 11:02 p.m.

So very tired, so very busy. Due to a random string of unfortunate coincidences today I ended up grumpy and snippy at this woman who really didn't deserve my abuse. During the whole time that I was having an unnecessary hissy fit I felt myself start to float outside my body in an attempt to get some perspective and boy did I look bitchy from up there.

This will be my last week of endless fun before I start my second job. Yes, second job. Although it means even less free time I'm looking forward to it. Somehow I envision myself getting all disciplined and kicking ass. It could happen.

The heat is doing its number on everyone again -- it's dangerous on the road and in general, short tempers everywhere. We had a couple of days of respite and I felt like a completely different person, very happy and relaxed. Perhaps it's time to move to a different climate? I am decidedly more mountainy than deserty, so it's a wonder I've lasted this long out here.

This evening after cheer practice I had to annihilate another swarm of thirsty ants -- I was again plagued with guilt and empathy for them all, but had to send them to the other side so that my little fuzzmonster could get at her food/water dishes. Sigh.

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