Nappy Yew Hear!
2004-01-04, 5:22 p.m.

Ok, so during the past 80 days I've been occupying my time with working 2 jobs, playing drums and then all the other mundane stuff. The holidays threw some curves my way, including the voracious flu that is still gooking up my poor widdle lungs and the funner than you can imagine recurrence of back problems -- coughing + back spasms = whee. But the up side of all of that was that I was forced to take time off and actually had time to watch some movies. And I actually read a whole book! So, the most recent things I've taken in are "Melvin Goes to Dinner" (The Odenkirks' thing) and "The Order" (Matthew Barney's thing). And then yesterday went to see "Big Fish" and was surprised that Albert Finney was still alive -- probably because most of my mental images of him are as the elderly Scrooge.

The book I took in was Madeline Bruser's "Art of Practicing" -- a very Buddhist perspective on how to approach practicing music. Very useful and not hardly much different from how I already approach music from my yogic learnin'.

I had some idea that I would make a new diary template, start over with this thing -- but we'll see how much spare time I actually end up having to spend here. It feels a bit like visiting a town you haven't been to in a while -- looking for familiar faces and feeling a bit out of place.

Here's some things I enjoyed in 2003:

Zappa's "Baby Snakes" DVD

Lightning Bolt - "Wonderful Rainbow"

Deerhoof - "Apple O"

Mr. Show and David Cross DVDs

Creatures - "Hai!"

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - "Live"

Devo - "Complete Truth About De-Evolution" DVD

"Inside Bjork" DVD

and more other stuff, but that's all I can think of for now...

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