time is measured energy
2004-05-23, 11:19 p.m.

We've started setting up the tour for late July/early August. So many things to do before then.

Practice yesterday and today, hurray! After a too-long hiatus while EA was busy with skool. It's good to be playing together again, although I'm anxious for my new heads to come in -- they should be in next week sometime?

I've been sick allll week, bad icky snot factory me. I stayed home Tuesday, mostly slept but am just plain loving having so much more time to read lately. I'm kind of at a loss for what to read next, so many piles and shelves of books I've wanted to get to -- and some birthday ducats for book-buying burning a hole in my keyboard/wallet.

It feels strange that it feels strange to have so much free time now without the second job. I am so happy lately, yet torn between doing vs. being. Tick tock tick tock.

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